Open Access
Edentata is dedicated to publishing work on the taxonomy, systematics, genetics, biogeography, ecology, conservation, behavior, and health of the of the anteater, sloth, and armadillo species. Edentata is available in BioOne Complete through the 2015 volume.

    Edentata is the journal and newsletter of the IUCN/SSC Anteater, Sloth and Armadillo Specialist Group, now produced on a yearly basis. Edentata is the only periodical dedicated to publishing articles and reports on the ecology, distribution, and conservation of xenarthrans – among the least known of all mammal groups, and notoriously difficult to study in the wild. By helping to share information and stimulate exchange between xenarthran researchers, Edentata promotes both the science and conservation of the thirty extant species.

    Edentata also provides a forum for reports on the care and breeding of captive xenarthrans, whose needs are specialized and often barely known. Edentata thus fulfills the additional role of communicating information among zoo professionals and other animal caretakers, as well as including them in the flow of information from field research.

    Edentata is available in BioOne Complete through the 2015 volume. Current content is available on the IUCN/SSC website.


Print ISSN: 1413-4411

Online ISSN: 1852-9208

Current: Dec 2014 : Volume 15 Issue 2014

BioOne Member Since: 2008

Frequency: Yearly

Journal Citation Indicator: NA

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